As a business owner I know what it’s like to be pulled in every possible direction.
The ‘to do’ list is never-ending….it just keeps getting longer, and some days you just don’t know where to start.
Phone calls. Emails. Meetings. Marketing. Client Database and CRM. Social Media. Website. SOPs. Estimates and Quotes. Problem solving. Employees. Administration. Research for new equipment, training, business skills, computer software and hardware, other tech, gear, new products…
Oh yes…and of course actually making money, so your business is here again tomorrow ready to tackle that ‘to do’ list all over again!
I get it, I really do. It took me a few years to realise it, but outsourcing business tasks that you can’t do well, no longer have time for, or that you just don’t want to do anymore, is not cheating. It’s actually good for your business.
There comes a point in a growing business when the decision to outsource becomes a priority. You know, the sort of tasks that, up until now, you have had to do yourself with the skills you have. The task might have taken five times longer than it should have but at least it didn’t cost you anything, right? Well yes, it’s cost you time, and we all know time is money, but when your business grows you soon realise that paying someone else to do the task frees up your time to be more efficient and effective with other things.

Phone photos aren’t consistently good enough
With a fancy phone you may occasionally ‘fluke’ a nice photo when you have a beautiful subject, perfect background, and light that illuminates your scene in all the right places, but most of the time your photos will be ‘meh’. The product your photographing might be distorted and out of proportion, or the staff member your photographing may have shadows on their face that remind you of those nights around a bonfire with a torch under their chin telling ghost stories. That pristinely white table you have carefully positioned your product on does not look white in your photo for your Amazon listing, or the action photo of your machinery is so blurry you can hardly tell what it is.
I get it, it’s not easy taking great photos..…I’ve spent countless amount of time learning this craft. The skills to take consistently great photos needs knowledge, equipment, resources, and skills.
Sometimes as business owners we think that outsourcing is cheating, that it somehow makes us feel less in control of our business, but that’s not true. I can step you through the photography process so that you have control over your vision, AND you’ll have great photos to promote your business.
Take your business to the next level and invest in quality photography…it’s not cheating!